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Global continental shifts

Submitted by Judith Maute on Fri, 06-17-2011
Long title
Global continental shifts to a new governance paradigm in lawyer regulation and consumer protection: riding the wave
Chapter author(s)
Maute, Judith
Chapter author(s)' contact information

Book title
Alternative Perspectives on Lawyers and Legal Ethics: Reimagining the Profession
Book editor(s)

Tranter, Kieran
Mortensen, Reid
Bartlett, Francesca
Book type
Page number
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Place of publication
London and New York
This chapter compares the progressive reforms in the United Kingdom with the balkanized state-based lawyer regulation in the United States. The UK reforms should not be viewed in isolation, but as possible byproducts of earlier reforms in Australia. While reforms in Australia and the UK can be seen as a global trend in the regulation of lawyers, the reform efforts also reflect contextual differences among each nation's history, demographics, and policies of market regulation. These differences affect whether the legal professions maintain primary control over regulatory enforcement.
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