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IJCLE Conference 2019

Submitted by Tiffany Roberts on Wed, 01-23-2019
Long title
17th Annual International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference
Registration deadline
Deadline for submission
Conference location
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
European Network for Clinical Legal Education
International Journal for Clinical Legal Education
Sponsor(s)' contact information
For all enquiries please contact
Conference Description

Call for Papers


Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

3-5th July


Improving the Future:

Using Clinical Legal Education to educate Lawyers for a Just Society


In this year’s conference we look at a core goal of Clinical Legal Education – Justice.  As the world faces unprecedented challenges in terms of climate, challenge to the rule of law and political and social upheaval, the conference provides an opportunity to consider and plan for the role of Clinical Legal Education in this new environment. 

As always papers are welcomed from the broad spectrum of Clinical Legal Education and particularly on the following themes:


  • The role of Clinical Legal Education in maintaining liberty rights and advancing the rule of law
  • Climate change and environmental justice through Clinical Legal Education
  • Educating future lawyers – in what ways can Clinical Legal Education shape future lawyers’ aspirations and contributions to a just society?
  • Researching the impact of Clinical Legal Education
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to advancing justice and educating for a just society
  • Technological innovation in the pursuit of a just society: access and information for all in the law


Taking part


Presentations at IJCLE/ENCLE can take one of three formats, each with its own structure and proposal application form:


  • PechaKucha
    • These short presentations are timed and rely on strong visuals. Please follow this link to learn more.  A PechaKucha consists of 20 slides timed to change every 20 seconds, so each presentation lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Each presenter in PechaKucha session will be assigned a 10 minute slot to allow for a question to be posed. We anticipate that PechaKuchas will consist of short introductions to new work, methodological innovations or insights from the field.
  • Paper presentation
    • These will be in traditional conference paper format with a twenty minute presentation followed by questions.  Please indicate which conference theme(s) your paper addresses to aid the programming team.
  • Interactive seminar
    • These sessions will be 45 minutes long and will involve active participation from the audience as well as input from the presenters and will be designed to generate discussion and new learning for the participants and convenors. 


Proposal Submission Form: Session proposals should be submitted online using the following link


Lead Presenter:

  • Where there is more than one presenter, we require that a “Lead Presenter” submit the Proposal Submission form. That person, unless changed, becomes the point of contact for the presentation throughout the stage of proposal review, decision, scheduling, and questions and logistical information for the conference.


Content of the proposal - the Online Proposal Submission Form will ask the following information:

  • Title
  • Name of lead presenter
  • Organisation of lead presenter
  • Position of lead presenter
  • Country of lead presenter
  • Email address of lead presenter
  • Conference theme
  • Presentation format
  • Names and details of other presenters
  • Title of the session proposal
  • Abstract of session proposal (which should include information about the session’s objectives, how interactive methods will be used, relevance to conference theme, short information about the presenter(s) and their relation to legal education/CLE; max 400 words)
  • Summary of Presentation for ease of reference for conference delegates; max 100 words)


Key Dates


Papers open for submission now please follow this link to submit

Deadline for submission of papers                                               31.3.19

Confirmation of paper accepted no later than                             30.4.19


Conference Registrations Open                                                     28.2.19

Early Bird Registrations Closes                                                     TBC

Registrations close                                                                           2.6.19

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