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Women and Leadership: The State of Play and Strategies for Change

Submitted by Tiffany Roberts on Wed, 02-03-2016
Long title
Women and Leadership: The State of Play and Strategies for Change
Author(s) or Book Editor(s)
Kellerman, Barbara
Rhode, Deborah
Author(s)' contact information
ISBN: 978-0-7879-8833-3
Book type
United States
Women and Leadership brings together in one comprehensive volume preeminent scholars from a range of disciplines to address the challenges involving women and leadership. These experts explore when and how women exercise power and what stands in their way. This groundbreaking volume offers readers an informed analysis of the state of women and leadership and offers the most informed and current thinking on
· The perils of stereotypes
· The importance of leadership style
· Gender differences in the decision to seek leadership roles
· Lessons from women leaders
· “Opt out” patterns and the need for flexible career paths
· Global inequalities and initiatives
· Strategies that get women to the top
Women and Leadership is indispensable for understanding recent progress toward equal opportunity and the challenges that remain.
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