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Touro Incubator Center

Submitted by Clark Cunningham on Fri, 01-31-2014
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International Justice Center for Post-Graduate Development
Website or Blog Author(s)/ Editor(s)
Rooney, Fred
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The mission of the International Justice Center for Post-Graduate Development is rooted in Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center’s commitment to quality legal education that encourages students to examine the moral goals of the law while promoting social justice and community service. As a leader in promoting the moral and ethical responsibilities of the legal profession, Touro Law created the Center with an understanding that post-graduate legal education has proven to be an effective tool to enable new lawyers to deepen their commitment to social justice as they work to develop solo and small firm practice and not-for-profit organizations. Additionally, the Center is a logical next step or extension of Touro Law’s commitment to preparing students for success in a challenging legal marketplace through experiential learning.The Center will work with law schools that wish to assist their graduates as they set up and then manage community-based practices that serve the pressing needs of poor, economically disadvantaged and working class clients in communities underserved by lawyers.
United States
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