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TJSL Lawyer Incubator Program

Submitted by Misha Cohen on Thu, 02-27-2014
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The Center for Solo Practitioners - A Lawyer Incubator Program
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Thomas Jefferson School of Law
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Designed specifically and exclusively for Thomas Jefferson School of Law alumni, the TJSL Center for Solo Practitioners supports new solo practitioners as they establish their own law offices. The program encourages new solos to become leaders in their community by developing ways to reach traditionally underserved populations with much-needed legal services.
The TJSL Lawyer Incubator Program:
The TJSL Center for Solo Practitioners provides a business incubator setting to the New Solos with the goal of producing successful, public-service-oriented practitioners. Every year, the program will welcome six to ten lawyers who have a desire to establish their own law practices. Each New Solo will develop their practice in a cooperative, shared-space environment that is easily accessible to public transportation, courts and other public services. The program will facilitate access to affordable office space, guidance in managing a legal practice, quality continuing legal education, seasoned mentors and Thomas Jefferson’s network of alumni attorneys. While they are building their practices, the lawyers in the incubator are encouraged to provide pro-bono and low-bono services to increase the access to civil legal services for those in need. While providing those legal services, the incubator lawyers gain valuable legal experience and are exposed to professional networking opportunities.
To apply for the program, candidates must:
Be admitted to practice in California;
Be a graduate of TJSL;
Have a demonstrated commitment to access-to-justice for those in need;
Be willing to engage in ongoing pro-bono and low-bono services;
Work well in intimate settings with a diverse group of individuals;
Be committed to establishing a solo-firm or small-firm practice; and
Be committed to helping underserved populations after completion of the program.
United States
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