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Southern Exposure

Submitted by Nigel Duncan on Wed, 09-05-2012
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Southern Exposure: 'Post'-Liberalism and moral recovery in Australian legal education
Evans, Adrian
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The Law Teacher
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United Kingdom
This is one of seven articles collected into a Special Issue of the Law Teacher, published in 2008. The special issue constitutes a reprise of an article by Burridge and Webb, published in 2007, vol. 10, 1 Legal Ethics, pp 72-97 and a series of responses to the arguments presented in that article. It concludes with a response to those articles by Burridge and Webb.
Adrian Evans focuses on Burridge and Webb's identification of the way in which the continuing focus on doctrinal study in the context of large, didactic lectures assists in the evasion of open discussion of values. He argues a need for law teachers to help students to develop awareness of their own values, comfort with diversity and the courage to act accordingly, and proposes that the most effective tool for doing that is by using the live client clinic to provide context for more conventional teaching. He presents a bald challenge to UK legal education, based on the sheer rarity of clinical programmes but also suggests ways in which classroom teaching may be developed to enable teachers to combine moral neutrality and personal partisanship without contradiction. He then provides some examples of developments in Australia which might act as exemplars. Finally, in marked contrast to Pue, he concludes with some strong statements of relevant values and proposals as to how law schools might be changed so that they support them.
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