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SLS Annual Conference

Submitted by Nigel Duncan on Fri, 07-20-2012
Long title
Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2012
Conference location
Wills Memorial Building, Univeristy of Bristol, UK
United Kingdom
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
Society of Legal Scholars
Sponsor(s)' contact information
Lois Henney
SLS Conference 2012
Conference Management Executive
Nesfield Suite
Keele Hall

Tel: 01782 734629
Conference Description
This year’s conference theme - Pressing Problems in the Law and Legal Education - looks to the future at a time when the law, legal education and scholarship are facing many challenges.
As always, the SLS conference aims to provide delegates with challenging and thought-provoking debate alongside social events with ample ‘networking’ opportunities with other delegates and publishers.
The session of interest to readers of this website will take place in the Practice, Profession and Ethics subject section, at 9.30 am on Wednesday 12 September. This will address various aspects of the teaching of legal ethics.
There will be presentations by:
Prof Nigel Duncan, City University, London, "Teaching Legal Ethics UK - a new community of good practice"
Prof Lisa Webley, University of Westminster, "Assessment of Practice or Assessment for Practice? Law, the Academy and the Profession."
Prof Stuart Toddington, University of Huddersfield, "Teaching Legal Ethics: The Problem of Autonomy"
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