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A Schulichian Show and Tell

Submitted by Jocelyn Downie on Wed, 09-12-2012
Long title
A Schulichian Show and Tell (including Collaborative Teaching as Interpretive Dance)
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Downie, Jocelyn
Devlin, Richard
Teacher(s)'/ Author(s)' contact information
Jocelyn Downie & Richard Devlin,
Dalhousie University
This course is intended to develop students’:
awareness of and ability to identify and resolve ethical problems in a legal context
awareness of the need for cultural and emotional competence in the practice of law
understanding of the legal and ethical duties and responsibilities of lawyers and the legal profession
understanding of the different possible roles for lawyers, the legal profession, and the legal system
knowledge of the relevant legislation, regulations, rules of professional conduct and common or case law
knowledge of legal and quasi-legal responses to unethical conduct and professional incompetence
ability to make informed and reasoned contributions to the development of the legal profession and legal system
Schulich School of Law
Upon successful completion of the course, it is hoped that students will be able to:
make informed and reasoned decisions when they are confronted with ethical dilemmas during law school
make informed and reasoned decisions about what kinds of lawyers they want to be (if any) and how they want to use their law degrees (if at all)
meet Law Society legal ethics and professional responsibility requirements
make informed and reasoned decisions when they are confronted with ethical issues after graduation
act in a professionally and ethically appropriate manner
make informed and reasoned contributions to the development of the legal profession and legal system
clearly express and defend positions on a range of issues in legal ethics and professional responsibility
conduct a respectful discussion of controversial legal ethics and professional responsibility issues with individuals holding contrary views
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