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Post-Soviet Legal Ethics Education

Submitted by Rosebella Nyonje on Wed, 07-23-2014
Long title
The Role of Legal Ethics in Legal Education of Post-Soviet Countries: Lithuanian Case from Comparative Perspective
Kirsiene, Julija
Author(s)' contact information
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Conference title
International Legal Ethics Conference VI
Conference location
City University London
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Because of Soviet legacy, lawyer ethics remains largely neglected at all levels of legal education in post-soviet countries. This is different from other countries where this course is compulsory for future lawyers. Partially because of this continuing record of neglect, post-soviet countries’ population do not trust lawyers.
In global educational and other academic literature, much is being discussed about the methods of teaching ethics, and the place of ethical subjects in study programmes and assessment. Internalization of personal and professional morals is highly related to emotional and social intelligence. Also, human happiness and spiritual health are based on its values. Therefore, obtaining social-ethical attitudes and perspectives helps future lawyers to gain more trust in their professional identity and the correctness of their professional work.
Presentation will discuss whether regulation and practice of ethical training of future and already practicing lawyers in post-soviet countries are adequate and will suggest methods of internalizing morals as a part of the process of preparing new lawyers and lifelong education of practicing lawyers.
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