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NIFTEP Fall 2016 Workshop

Submitted by Clark Cunningham on Thu, 08-04-2016
Long title
Fall 2016 Workshop: “Educational Interventions to Cultivate Professional Identity in Law Students."
Conference location
Mercer University - Walter F. George School of Law
United States
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism
Mercer University - Walter F. George School of law
American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professionalism
Sponsor(s)' contact information
Clark Cunningham
W. Lee Burge Professor of Law & Ethics
NIFTEP Director
Phone: (404) 413-9168

Tiffany Williams Roberts
NIFTEP Deputy Director
Phone: (404) 413-9178

National Institute for Teaching Ethics and Professionalism
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4037
Atlanta, GA 30302-4037
Conference Description
The Fall 2016 workshop of the National Institute for Teaching Ethics and Professionalism (NIFTEP) will take place from 5:00 pm Thursday, October 6 – 12:30 pm on Sunday, October 9, 2016 at the Mercer University School of Law in Macon, Georgia (approximately 1.5 hours from Atlanta). The workshop theme is: “Educational Interventions to Cultivate Professional Identity in Law Students." Part of the workshop will be held in conjunction with the 17th Annual Georgia Symposium on Professionalism and Ethics sponsored on October 6-7 at Mercer University Law School by Mercer’s Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism. Workshop fellows agree to attend the Symposium.
Working Definition of Professional Identity in Law:
“A lawyer’s professional identity is a deep sense of self in role. It includes a set of virtues and dispositions that enable the lawyer to serve clients and the public well in complex, stressful and uncertain circumstances, including ones that present questions of morality and professional responsibility. “
Four Component Model of Morality:
See Learning Professional Responsibility for the Practice of Law: the Way Forward at pp 4-11, available at
The following questions will be the focus of the workshop:
Should law schools adopt educational interventions specifically tied to the cultivation of professional identity?
Are specifically designed interventions necessary to enable students to develop professional identity?
What evidence exists that such interventions are effective?
What resources are needed?
Using the Four Component Model to design educational interventions to cultivate professional identity.
How to sensitize students to recognize issues that implicate a lawyer’s professional responsibilities?
How to develop students’ capacity to reason to a mature decision about such issues?
How to lay a foundation of professional identity that will motivate students when they become lawyers to resolve the issues they recognize in appropriate ways?
What skills to provide students that they will need to implement their moral decisions?
How to measure whether the intervention will have its intended effect?
Is it possible to develop “before and after” instruments to detect whether the intervention had any impact?
Are longitudinal studies required, and, if so, how should they be designed and implemented?
Mercer University School of Law, Macon, Georgia
The application for this workshop has closed.
Travel Schedule
Fellows must arrive to Atlanta no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday October 6 in order to be transported to Macon by Mercer law students in time for the symposium opening dinner. We ask that fellows not schedule flights that depart from the Atlanta airport earlier than 5:00 PM on Sunday October 9.?
Attendance & Costs
Attendance at these highly participatory events is limited to invited speakers and to those selected to be NIFTEP Fellows. Fellowships are typically granted either to full-time law professors who incorporate issues of ethics and professionalism into their teaching or to legal practitioners actively involved in ethics CLE education and professionalism programs. Teachers new to legal education or to teaching ethics and professionalism are encouraged to apply. However, any person committed to promoting ethics and professionalism may apply. There is no charge for workshop registration, lodging, or meals during the workshop and transportation to and from the Atlanta airport will be provided. Fellows are generally expected to cover their other travel expenses. A limited number of travel stipends for reimbursement of air fare may be available based on need; travel stipends will typically only reimburse a portion of airfare and expenses.
For more information, please contact NIFTEP Deputy Director, Tiffany Roberts at
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