Long Title
Michigan Court Rules Rule 8.120
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Michigan Supreme Court
Type of entity
Entity Contact
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?
A student in a law school approved by the American Bar Association who has received a passing grade in law school courses and has completed the first year is eligible to participate in a clinic or program.
Law students and recent law graduates may participate in legal training programs organized in the offices of county prosecuting attorneys, county corporation counsel, city attorneys, the Attorney Grievance Commission, and the Attorney General.
A member of the legal aid clinic, in representing an indigent person, is authorized to advise the person and to negotiate and appear on the person's behalf in all Michigan courts except the Supreme Court.
A law student or graduate serving in a prosecutor's, county corporation counsel's, city attorney's, or Attorney General's program may be authorized to perform comparable functions and duties assigned by the prosecuting attorney, county attorney, city attorney, or Attorney General.
Law students and recent law graduates may participate in legal training programs organized in the offices of county prosecuting attorneys, county corporation counsel, city attorneys, the Attorney Grievance Commission, and the Attorney General.
A member of the legal aid clinic, in representing an indigent person, is authorized to advise the person and to negotiate and appear on the person's behalf in all Michigan courts except the Supreme Court.
A law student or graduate serving in a prosecutor's, county corporation counsel's, city attorney's, or Attorney General's program may be authorized to perform comparable functions and duties assigned by the prosecuting attorney, county attorney, city attorney, or Attorney General.
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