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On Liberal Neutrality, the Value of Experience and the Loneliness of the Long-Distance Academic

Submitted by Nigel Duncan on Wed, 09-05-2012
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On Liberal Neutrality, the Value of Experience and the Loneliness of the Long-Distance Academic: Further Reflections on the Values of a Common Law legal education
Burridge, Roger
Webb, Julian
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The Law Teacher
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United Kingdom
This is one of seven articles collected into a Special Issue of the Law Teacher, published in 2008. The special issue constitutes a reprise of an article by Burridge and Webb, published in 2007, vol. 10, 1 Legal Ethics, pp 72-97 and a series of responses to the arguments presented in that article. It concludes with a response to those articles by Burridge and Webb.
The final piece in this issue is Roger Burridge and Julian Webb's response to these five articles. They first identify what they share with those authors. They then go on to draw implicit criticisms and to recognise what they might, on further reflection, have written in their original article. Their main focus, however, is to address the explicit criticisms of their analysis and proposals. In this, as might have been expected, they both acknowledge failings and defend their core thesis and proposals. In doing so, they explore different conceptions of elitism, the philosophical roots of the values which underlie our work in legal education and the role of collective and institutional responses in a liberal world. Finally, they acknowledge the importance of diversity and argue for a breadth of vision in legal educators.
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