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Law School Solo Practice Incubators and Legal Residency Programs

Submitted by Tiffany Roberts on Wed, 03-09-2016
Long title
Law School Solo Practice Incubators and Legal Residency Programs
Author(s) or Editor(s)
Hanover Research
Author(s)' contact information
1750 H Street NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20006
P 202.756.2971 F 866.808.6585
In the following report, Hanover Research discusses efforts by law schools to
support recent graduates as they endeavor to start work in solo practice or in small
firms. The report first discusses some of the obstacles that confront recent law
graduates as they seek to launch their own solo practices, as well as recommendations
regarding how to best support graduates in such endeavors. Following this
introduction to the topic, the report provides examples of the types of support
programs—in the form of incubators and legal residency programs—offered by a
sample of law schools across the United States in order to help law school graduates
successfully establish practices and gain real world professional experience.
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