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Georgia Student Practice Rule

Submitted by Clark Cunningham on Wed, 12-23-2015
Long Title
Rules of the Supreme Court of Georgia Rules 91-96 (Section XV
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Supreme Court of Georgia
Type of entity
Entity Contact
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?
A law student who has completed legal studies equivalent to at least two semesters of full-time study may, as if admitted and licensed to practice law in Georgia, advise, prepare legal instruments, appear before courts and administrative agencies and otherwise take action on behalf of: (1) any state, local, or other government unit or agency; (2) any person who is unable financially to pay for the legal services of an attorney; or (3) any non-profit organization the purpose of which is to assist low or moderate income persons.
An entirely new student practice rule was adopted by the Georgia Supreme Court effective August 15, 2015 after a five year review process. Major changes: (1) Students are eligible after the completion of the first year of law school; (2) Client eligibility is changed from indigency to “unable financially to pay” for legal services and non-profit organizations can also be represented if their purpose “is to assist low or moderate income persons” (3) Student practice can be supervised by any member of the State Bar, thus opening up the possibility of student practice in the setting of law firm pro bono work; and (4) While the old rule only referred to “assist[ing]in proceedings” and required authorization by “the court where such authority is to be exercised” the new rule authorizes students to “advise, prepare legal instruments, appear before courts and administrative agencies and otherwise take action” on behalf of an eligible client and authorization is provided through registration with the Office of Bar Admissions. See attached Executive Summary and article from the Georgia Bar Journal.
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Teaching Methods
Lawyer Regulation