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Ethics in Iranian Legal Education

Submitted by Rosebella Nyonje on Wed, 07-23-2014
Long title
Forgotten Ethics in Iranian Legal Education
Maranlou, Sahar
Author(s)' contact information
Brunel University, UK
Conference title
International Legal Ethics Conference VI
Conference location
City University London
United Kingdom
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This paper is in relation to intersections across conference themes; mainly culture, society, ethics and legal Education. The presentation therefore weaves together these themes to understand their essentialist foundations to development of social justice values and the culture of human rights within Iranian society. The presentation starts with a short overview of legal education in Iran. It underlines that law schools do teach about justice and ethics poorly or not at all. Although there is a growing numbers of law schools and law students yet legal education has stayed unchanged; same course design, same delivery of instruction, and same assessment of student learning for the past years. The presentation then attempts to underline the compelling need to change legal education in the Islamic Republic by looking at contemporary Iran. It outlines some of the main challenges and discusses limitations and opportunities by religion, culture and political power in this regard.
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