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Training Lawyers as Leaders Blog

Submitted by Tiffany Roberts on Thu, 03-28-2019
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AALS Training Lawyers as Leaders Blog
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AALS Leadership Section

The AALS Leadership Section has launched a blog on leadership development issues in law schools:  
From AALS: 

We established this blog to support the growing movement to create more leadership development courses, programs, events and activities in law schools across the nation. We will address questions such as:
What do we mean by leadership development?
Why are these efforts important and relevant to individuals - law students and lawyers?
As guardians of the rule of law and defenders of our democracy, how can these efforts benefit our profession and our country?
What does leadership development look like for lawyers and how is it different from leadership development for other professions?
Other questions the blog may address may include: Can you teach leadership? Why should law schools devote attention to “soft skills?” Why leadership when so few lawyers will be in leadership positions in their firms? How is a leadership course in law school different from the leadership programs in high schools and colleges? 
For those who have leadership programs or classes, we hope you will share your challenges and your advice. We know engaging in robust discussions around these questions can lead to more effective conversations and programming in law schools, bar associations and legal offices throughout the nation.
The first 10 entries:
“Why Leadership Development for Lawyers?”:
“What is Leadership?”:
“The Problem with the Term Leadership”:…
“How My Thinking About Leadership Development For Law Students Has Changed”:…
Benefits of Leadership Development Programming in Law Schools:…
“Podcast: The Need to Lead”:…
“Why is leadership important for the future of the legal profession... and society?”:…
“Why do you need leadership? It’s all about relationships.”:…
“Professor Jeremy Counseller’s Commencement Address”:…
“Why do we not have more leadership development programs in law school?”:…

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