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Scenes from Boston Legal

Submitted by Clark Cunningham on Mon, 05-03-2010
Long title
Was He Being a Good Lawyer? Scenes from Boston Legal
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Mize, Selene
Teacher(s)'/ Author(s)' contact information
Seleen Mize, Faculty of Law, University of Otago, New Zealand
At the Fall 2009 Workshop of the National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism (, Selene Mize from the University of Otago in New Zealand conducted a teaching demonstration based on two scenes from an episode of Boston Legal.
The first URL takes you to the full program of that workshop. The second URL links to the Quicktime webcast of the teaching demonstration. The third URL links to a webcast of the first scene from Boston Legal. The fourth URL links to the second scene.