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Proposed ABA Accreditation Standards

Submitted by Clark Cunningham on Thu, 04-28-2011
Long title
Report of Subcommittee on Student Learning Outcomes (redline to January 2011 draft)
Author(s) or Editor(s)
ABA Standards Review Committee
Author(s)' contact information

Council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
United States

In September 2008, the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar began a comprehensive review of the American Bar Association Standards and Rules of Procedure for the Approval of Law Schools. The Standards Review Committee (SRC) is charged with reviewing proposed changes in or additions to Standards, Interpretations, Rules, Policies, Procedures, and Criteria. Proposed changes are referred to the SRC by the Council for its review and recommendations. The agenda of the April 2011 of the SRC included a proposed revision of Chapter 3 (Program of Legal Education) of the ABA Standards which can be downloaded from the first URL link listed above.
302 (b)(2)(ii) provides that law school learning outcomes “shall include competency as an entry-level practitioner in … the exercise of professional judgment consistent with the values of the legal profession and its professional duties to society, including recognizing and resolving ethical and other professional dilemmas.” 303 (a)(1) provides that a law school shall offer a curriculum that … requires every student to complete satisfactorily at least one course in professional responsibility that includes substantial instruction in the history, goals, structure, values, rules and responsibilities of the legal profession and its members. 303 (a)(3) requires that every student take at least one faculty-supervised, rigorous course after the first year that integrates doctrine, theory, skills and ethics.

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