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NIFTEP Summer 2012 Workshop (Banff, AB, Canada)

Submitted by Tiffany Roberts on Fri, 02-24-2012
Long title
National Institute for Teaching Ethics and Professionalism Summer 2012 Workshop (Banff, AB, Canada)
Conference location
Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism
Canadian Association for Legal Ethics
American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professionalism
Sponsor(s)' contact information

Conference Description
NIFTEP will co-sponsor with the Canadian Association for Legal Ethics and the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism a three day, two night workshop in Banff, the famous resort in the Canadian Rockies, on July 10 – 12, immediately preceding the 5th International Legal Ethics Conference (ILECV), taking place in Banff July 12-14, 2012. The venue for ILECV is the Banff Professional Development Centre, and the NIFTEP workshop be held in the same location.
Tuesday, July 10-Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada (
The workshop will be a highly participatory event limited to members of the NIFTEP consortium, invited speakers, and 10-15 Fellows selected through an application process. NIFTEP will contact individual participants regarding presentations at the workshop.
We ask that participants arrive to the Calgary airport by 1:00 pm or earlier on Tuesday, July 10, which will allow you to arrive to The Banff Centre in time for the opening reception at 4pm. The Banff Airporter provides service between the Calgary Airport and the Banff Centre.
Workshop Meals:
Tuesday, July 10: Dinner provided
Wednesday, July 11: Breakfast, lunch & dinner provided
Thursday, July 12: Breakfast & lunch provided
All day snacks and soft drinks are provided for the entire workshop.
Contact: NIFTEP Deputy Director Tiffany Roberts,
Applications: The application period has closed and all Fellows for this workshop have been selected. If you are not already on the NIFTEP list, but wish to be placed on the email list to receive notice about this or any other future workshops, including the process for applying, please email NIFTEP Deputy Director Tiffany Roberts ( with "NIFTEP MAILING LIST" in the subject line.
For information about the Banff Centre:
For information about ILEC5:
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