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Mindfulness 2018

Submitted by Tiffany Roberts on Wed, 07-18-2018
Long title
Mindfulness and the Path to Layer Wellbeing - 1st National Conference:
Conference location
Chicago, IL
United States
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
Mindfulness in Law Society
American Bar Association
Sponsor(s)' contact information
Conference Description

A national mindfulness conference for lawyers, judges, and others in the legal profession during the ABA Annual Meeting.

August 3, 2018. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (reception til 7:30). Loyola Law School. Chicago, Illinois.

Scroll down for the conference program and registration. Registration for MILS Members is $175. Non-Members is $200. Save $50 by joining and registering at the same time for $200.

There is no conference hotel, but  there are hotels nearby and some offer a Loyola University discount.  There is also validated reduced fee parking on campus.

This is a unique opportunity for lawyers interested in mindfulness to learn more about the practice and to meet and network with others who share a similar interest. Sessions will include an introduction to mindfulness, the science and research about the practice, and how to integrate mindfulness into your busy lives and firm cultures.

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