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Integrity in Negotiations

Submitted by Chittam Thakore on Sun, 07-04-2010
Long title
Teaching Demonstration: Integrity in Negotiation
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Schmedemann, Deborah
Teacher(s)'/ Author(s)' contact information
Deborah Schmedemann teaches at the William Mitchell College of Law.
United States
At the 2009 Workshop of the National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism (, Deborah Schemdemann demonstrated an exercise focused on introducing students to negotiations. Professor Schemdemann divides her students into teams of two and they are asked to begin negotiating, without talking, by writing numbers back and forth on a piece of paper.
The first URL takes you to the full program of that workshop. The second URL links to the Quicktime webcast of Dean Bilek's demonstration.
Teaching Methods
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