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ILEC8 Deadline

Submitted by Clark Cunningham on Wed, 07-18-2018
Long title
International Legal Ethics Conference 8 - July 31 Deadline for Proposals
Conference location
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
International Association of Legal Ethics
Conference Description

The deadline for submitting proposals for International Legal Ethics Conference 8 (Melbourne, December 2018) is July 31, 2018. Proposals should be submitted by email to with the subject heading “ILEC8 paper proposal.

Presenters are encouraged to submit papers within one of the following streams:

  1. Technology, Legal Ethics and Society
  2. Interdisciplinary and Empirical Approaches to Legal Ethics
  3. Philosophy and Legal Ethics
  4. Regulation of the Profession(s)
  5. Ethics and Legal Education
  6. Globalisation and Legal Ethics
  7. Legal Ethics and Access to Justice

The Conference will be organised into sessions of 90 minutes each. Normally, three to four papers will be presented in any one session. Proposals for a paper should include a title and abstract of between 100 and 300 words. Please also include your name, institutional affiliation (if any) and up to six keywords describing your topic. Alternatively, a proposal for a Panel involving discussion or other formats will be considered. If you are proposing a panel, please state the title of the panel, with a brief description, together with the names of the panellists presenting. Where possible, we would encourage panel proposals to be submitted with the full set of abstracts appended. Proposals should either indicate the stream in which the paper or panel is to be presented or clearly identify an alternative theme within which the proposal sits. We will seek to accommodate alternative themes where viable.

In order to accommodate as large and diverse a group of presenters as possible, participants are requested to submit no more than two proposals.

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