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GAJE Conference

Submitted by Katherine Feagin on Tue, 02-12-2019
Long title
Global Alliance for Justice Education 10th Worldwide Conference
Registration deadline
Deadline for submission
Conference location
Bandung, Indonesia
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
Pasundan University
Conference Description

GAJE Steering Committee is pleased to announce that the 10th Worldwide Conference will be held in 2019 in Bandung, Indonesia, in partnership with Pasundan University.  The conference will take place in Bandung from 4 December 2019 to 8 December 2019, followed by the Training of Trainers Workshop on 9 December and 10 December, 2019. 

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING DEADLINES: The registration deadline is 1 November.  HOWEVER: The deadline for applications for travel/accommodation grants (including those requesting both a grant and fee waiver/reduction) is 1 June; the deadline for submission of proposals is also 1 June; the deadline for applications requesting only a fee waiver/reduction (that is, without also requesting a grant) is 1 August.

The registration fee is $US 350 for the General Conference and $US 425 for both the General Conference and the Training-of-Trainers (TOT) workshop.  (Starting on September 15 there will be late fees of $US 425 for the General Conference and $US 500 for both the General Conference and the TOT workshop.)  Persons who cannot pay the full conference fee can request a fee waiver or a fee reduction by completing a special section of the registration form.  GAJE also provides a limited number of grants for travel and accommodations.

For questions about the registration process or seeking clarification of any conference policies or instructions, send an email to


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