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Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference - Legal Education: Making a Difference

Submitted by Nigel Duncan on Fri, 03-26-2010
Conference location
Clare College, Cambridge
United Kingdom
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
Association of Law Teachers
Sponsor(s)' contact information

Conference Description
The theme of the 45th conference is Legal Education: Making a Difference. To what extent does legal education make a positive difference to students’ lives? How does it fulfil its dual aspirations of providing students with a liberal higher education that fits them with values and attitudes for life and, for those that choose to, fits them for entry to the professional stages of training for the profession?
The following topic streams are proposed:
Innovations in pedagogy
Evaluating pedagogy: what works and how do we know?
Law and humanities: broader contexts, broader minds
Blended delivery, VLE’s and student engagement
Meeting the expectations of Generation Z (the Internet generation): implications of new cultural and social practices for pedagogy and evaluation.
Reinforcing practice: underpinning pedagogy with scholarly research
Principles of assessment: how do we ensure it is authentic, valid, proportionate and affordable?
Fuzzy outcomes: can we capture what is valuable as opposed to what we can assess?
Innovations in assessment practice.
Quality, Academic Identity and Ownership
What do academics understand by Quality: administrative instruments or a paradigm of academic oppression?
Collegiality versus New Managerialism: what ownership of, and influence over, the academy do academics have?
Assurance versus enhancement: does Quality encourage or stymie inspiration?
Where is Quality going: all change at the QAA?
Space, time and communication: how do we support collegiality?
Staff development and progress
Best practice in staff development
Postgraduate teaching assistants – how should we support them?
In-house PGCE’s: do they work?
Academic identity: brave new world or old tribes and territories
Maintaining the tripos of currency: updating pedagogy, the law and legal practice
The Law Student: Perspective & Experience
Who are they? Expectations, behaviours and attitudes
Widening participation: means and abilities - minding the gaps?
What do they think of the legal education experience?
Proposals for other areas of interest to delegates would be welcome.