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A “How To” Guide for Incorporating Global and Comparative Perspectives into the Required Professional Responsibility Course

Submitted by Chittam Thakore on Tue, 11-10-2009
Terry, Laurel S.
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Saint Louis University Law Journal
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United States
This article was written for a symposium on "Teaching Legal Ethics" and discusses how to incorporate global and comparative perspectives into the required Professional Responsibility course. The scope of the paper is much broader, however. The first half of the paper explains why global and comparative perspectives are relevant to contemporary law practice. This section explains why global perspectives are relevant to clients and lawyers and explains why lawyer regulators now use a more global approach to regulation than previously. The second half illustrates how one can introduce global and comparative perspectives into a professional responsibility course without taking up much class time and without engaging in an inordinate amount of class preparation time. It demonstrates how to introduce these perspectives even if one only has time to read and incorporate the perspectives in one document-the CCBE Code of Conduct. The article continues by identifying five additional documents that a professor might read and refer to in order to provide additional global and comparative perspectives. For those who want to pursue the topic further, the article identifies additional documents that a professional responsibility professor might want to consult. The article concludes by identifying several free electronic newsletters that one can subscribe to in order to keep track of global professional responsibility developments. The article includes an addendum with hyperlinks to the recommended documents.
Teaching Methods