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Columbus Bar inc Limited

Submitted by Misha Cohen on Fri, 02-28-2014
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Columbus Bar inc Limited: Looking for a "Leg Up" to Solo Practice?
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Columbus Bar Association
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Columbus Bar inc – short for “incubator” – is a program intended to accelerate the successful development of new lawyers. Participating attorneys access resources that help them build a solo practice. Through educational programming and interaction with mentors, the program aims to reduce the learning curve and false starts for the benefit of the lawyers and the clients that they serve.
Columbus Bar inc Limited is an abbreviated version of the CBA incubator program for new attorneys. Similar to the traditional program, inc Limited assists attorneys in launching a solo practice, without the added expense of an office. The two programs will run concurrently and expand networking opportunities for the participants. Participants in inc Limited will have access to mentors, education sessions, and other benefits.
United States
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