Long Title
California Rules of Practice: Discipline
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
State Bar of California
Type of entity
Professional Body
Entity Contact
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?
Lawyers generally
URL (web address)
The State Bar’s discipline system is designed to protect the public, the courts and the profession from attorneys who violate ethical rules covering their professional conduct.
The State Bar of California is the only state bar in the nation with independent professional judges dedicated to ruling on attorney discipline cases. The independent State Bar Court hears the charges and has the power to recommend that the California Supreme Court suspend or disbar those attorneys found to have committed acts of professional misconduct or convicted of serious crimes. For lesser offenses, it may issue public or private reprovals.
The State Bar of California is the only state bar in the nation with independent professional judges dedicated to ruling on attorney discipline cases. The independent State Bar Court hears the charges and has the power to recommend that the California Supreme Court suspend or disbar those attorneys found to have committed acts of professional misconduct or convicted of serious crimes. For lesser offenses, it may issue public or private reprovals.
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Lawyer Regulation