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ACT Barristers' Rules

Submitted by Rosebella Nyonje on Mon, 07-29-2013
Long Title
Australian Capital Territory Barristers' Rules
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Australian Capital Territory Bar Association
Type of entity
Entity Contact
Jurisdiction within country
Australian Capital Territory
Who is subject to this regulation?

The administration of justice is best served by reserving the practice of law to officers of the Supreme Court who owe their paramount duty to the administration of justice. As legal practitioners, barristers must maintain high standards of professional conduct. The role of barristers as specialist advocates in the administration of justice requires them to act honestly, fairly, skilfully, diligently and fearlessly. Barristers owe duties to the courts, to other bodies and persons before whom they appear, to their clients, and to their barrister and solicitor colleagues. Barristers should exercise their forensic judgements and give their advice independently and for the proper administration of justice, notwithstanding any contrary desires of their clients.

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Lawyer Regulation