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Accelerator-to-Practice Program

Submitted by Clark Cunningham on Tue, 02-16-2016
Long title
Accelerator-to-Practice Program at Suffolk Law School
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Berman, William
Seidman, Ilene
Teacher(s)'/ Author(s)' contact information
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Clinical Professor Law
Suffolk University School of Law
William Berman, Clinical Professor and Managing Attorney, Accelerator Practice
Suffolk University School of Law
United States
The Accelerator-to-Practice Program at Suffolk University Law School in Boston is described as the first of its kind comprehensive three-year course of study and practice designed to prepare graduates to join or start sustainable law practices serving average-income individuals and families. To create practice-ready graduates, the program includes the creation of a law practice within the Law School (the Accelerator Practice) to train students to be competent lawyers within three years. Successful applicants are admitted into a specialized track of instruction that includes an expanded professional development and skills curriculum, technological training, supervised internships, associate-level work in the Accelerator Practice, and career development and practice supports.
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