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Teaching Ethics Clinically

Submitted by Donald Nicolson on Thu, 09-06-2012
Long title
Teaching Ethics Clinically Without Breaking the Bank
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Nicolson, Donald J.
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United Kingdom
Drawing on moral psychology and educational theory, and articles I have written on ethical education, the presentation sets out theoretical ideas about the psychology of moral development, and the advantages of clinical legal education. This theory is then supported by extracts from the reflective diaries of students at the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic and clips from an oral examination in the class in which students are taught ethics – both of which showed the depth of ethical education which derives from experience as opposed to mere theoretical teaching. In addition, by drawing on the model of the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic, I seek to show how teaching ethics clinically need not, as is usually assumed, be very expensive, and how I have used the clinic to introduce a Clinical LLB which integrates ethics and practice throughout the standard LLB curriculum. Finally, I provide a number of moral dilemmas drawn from actual University of Strathclyde Law Clinic cases.
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