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NIFTEP-Teaching Legal Ehics & Professionalism in Criminal Justice

Submitted by Tiffany Roberts on Fri, 08-31-2012
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National Institute for Teaching Legal Ethics & Professionalism Spring 2012 Workshop on Criminal Justice
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Tiffany Roberts
Deputy Director, National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism
NIFTEP conducts bi-annual workshops that bring together leading academics and practitioners involved teaching legal ethics and promoting professionalism. Workshops are cosponsored by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professionalism.
June 22-24, 2012
Talaris Conference Center
Seattle, Washington
Theme: Ethics & professionalism in America's criminal justice system.
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Welcome Luncheon
Workshop Overview
Participant Introductions
2:40 pm - 3:35 pm
Panel: A Specialized Law School Course
Bruce Green & Ellen Yaroshefsky
Why a specialized law school course on ethics in criminal advocacy?
What are the essential topics?
Materials: Ethics in Criminal Advocacy: Table of Contents; Criminal Justice Hypotheticals
3: 30 pm - 3:35 pm
The Criminal Practice Course at St. Thomas
Mark Osler
Materials: Course Syllabus; Negotiation forms
3:45 pm - 4:15 pm
Review your confidential instructions for negotiation exercise
Write down suggested small group discussion topics on flip chart
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Negotiating with your own client: Role play exercise for all participants
Mark Osler
5:00 pm- 5:30 pm
Southern Public Defender Training Center (SPDTC)
David Singleton
Materials: SPDTC Course Descriptions
9:15 am -10:15 am
Transition to Practice Programs, Charles Olson
Materials: The Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia, Prosecutorial Ethics & the Geogia Rules of Professional Responsibility (2012) (Table of Contents, Introduction, Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor, Resources)
Professionalism Course for New Admittees to the Maryland Bar: Criminal Section, Judge Lynne Battaglia
Materials: Professionalism Commission, Maryland Court of Appeals, New Admittees' Professionalsm Student Manual (2012) (Table of Contents, Program Evaluation Results)
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Confidentiality and candor to the court at sentencing: Role Play, Lara Bazelon
Materials: Hypothetical Sentencing Memo
11:30 am - 12:30 am
Addressing Prosecutorial Ethics through the Bar Discipline System, Peter Rotskoff
Materials: Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 3.8: Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor; Illinois Disciplinary Cases Involving Prosecutors (2011) (excerpts)
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
The Battle, The Blame & The Belief: Ethical Client-Centered Practice for New Public Defenders, Zanele Ngubeni
Materials: Hypothetical to be distributed during session
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Time Management and Ethical Practice for Public Defenders: Exercise for All Participants, Tiffany Roberts
Materials: Excercise Flowchart; Fulton County Non-Complex Case Management Order; Teaching Demonstration Handout to be distributed during session
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Death Row and Innocence Projects: Ways to teach ethics and professionalism in the context of post-conviction relief, Kathy Swedlow, Lara Bazelon, Mark Osler, Ellen Yaroshefsky
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Small Group Discussions
9:00 am -10:00 am
Defense lawyers as co-teachers in a law school prosecution clinic, Maureen Howard
Materials: The Prosecutorial Ethic: A Tribute to King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng (University of Washington School of Law) (May 30, 2008)
United States
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