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Ethics in Legal Education

Submitted by Nigel Duncan on Wed, 09-05-2012
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Ethics in Legal Education
Potter, Lord Justice
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The Law Teacher
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United Kingdom
This is one of six articles collected into a Special Issue of the Law Teacher on Ethics in Legal Education, published in 1999.
Lord Justice Potter, at the time of writing, the Chair of the Lord Chancellor's Advisory committee on Legal Educatioon and Conduct, picks up the theme that ethics needs to be treated differently at the undergraduate and vocational stages. He argues that without a grounding in legal ethics the study of the ethics of a lawyer risks being seen as no more than a restrictive application of the Codes and that an early introduction to ethical principles may help to minimise subsequent unethical practice by lawyers. He endorses both the integration of ethics into the curriculum and a compulsory ethics module, encourages cooperation between teaching institutions and gives his own reasons why the black-letter approach alone is inadequate.
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