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Law as a Business

Submitted by Timothy Mahoney on Sun, 05-02-2010
Long title
The Practice of Law as a Business: Not a Bad Thing?
Mahoney, Timothy A.
Author(s)' contact information
Timothy A. Mahoney, PhD, CPA, MM,
Associate Professor,
Philosophy Department,
Providence College,
Providence, Rhode Island (USA)
Conference title
National institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism
Conference location
Red Top Mountain Lodge, Georgia
United States
At the 2006 Workshop of the National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism ( Professor Timothy Mahoney, PhD, CPA, CFA, who teaches philosophy and business ethics at Providence College in Rhode Island, explored how models of good business practice might address some of the most pervasive problems of ethics and professionalism in the legal profession. He had developed this theme during his session at the Inaugural NIFTEP Workshop in September 2005 and expanded it as a NIFTEP presenter at the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Conference on New Ideas for Law Teachers held in Vancouver in June 2006. He was joined by Steve Olson, at that time Associate Director of the Southern Institute for Business & Professional Ethics at Georgia State University. The first URL takes you to the full program of that workshop. The second URL links to the Quicktime webcast of Professor Mahoney's presentation.
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Tags for this resource: interdisciplinary, business ethics