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Intellectual Property Posting and License Request Template

If another person or entity has rights to the content that a registered user wishes to post, the user may request permission for posting and granting a license by using this suggested template. The user must retain a copy of any permission received, whether on this template or in another form, as the user may be required to provide it to the Site Administrator.
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Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to request permission to post the following written work, ______________________________________ ("the work"), on the International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism website at The Forum is a free, noncommercial online community and resource library for ethics teachers, scholars, and practitioners worldwide. It is designed to be a place for those interested in teaching legal ethics and professionalism to build community and share ideas. Posting the work would contribute to the Forum community and would expose the work to a wide, interested audience.
In addition to asking your permission to post the work on the Forum website, I would like you to grant users of the website the ability to download the work and copy, distribute, and repost it on the web it as long as they credit the author(s) and the publication and provide relevant identifying citation information (volume, page numbers, year of publication, city of publication), do not change the work in any way, and do not use it commercially. (This license for additional use is known as an "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives" Creative Commons license. For more information on Creative Commons licenses, please see
If you agree to give this permission, please mark in the space below.

>>Standard permission:
__ I give permission for the work to be posted on the Forum website and for website users to download the work and copy, distribute, and repost it on the web, as long as they credit the author(s) and the publication and provide relevant identifying citation information (volume, page numbers, year of publication, city of publication), do not change the work in any way, and do not use it commercially. ("Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives" Creative Commons license)

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__ I give permission for the work to be posted on the Forum website and for other users to download it, as long as they do not copy, distribute, repost it on the web, or alter the work in any way. (post-only permission)
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__ I give permission for the work to be posted on the Forum website and for other users to download, alter, and copy, distribute, and repost the work on the web, for both commercial and non-commercial uses, as long as they credit the author(s) and the publication and provide relevant identifying citation information (volume, page numbers, year of publication, city of publication) for the original creation. ("Attribution" Creative Commons license)
__ I give permission for the work to be posted on the Forum website and for other users to download, alter, and copy, distribute, and repost the work on the web, as long as they credit the author(s) and the publication and provide relevant identifying citation information (volume, page numbers, year of publication, city of publication) for the original creation, do not use it commercially, and allow others to use any new creations under identical terms. ("Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" Creative Commons license)
__ I give permission for the work to be posted on the Forum website, and for other users to download, alter, and copy, distribute, and repost the work on the web, for both commercial and non-commercial uses, as long as they credit the author(s) and the publication and provide relevant identifying citation information (volume, page numbers, year of publication, city of publication) for the original creation and allow others to use any new creations under identical terms. ("Attribution-ShareAlike" Creative Commons license)
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