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Annotated Bibliography of Educational Materials on Legal Ethics

Submitted by Chittam Thakore on Tue, 11-10-2009
Rhode, Deborah E.
Author(s)' contact information

Law and Contemporary Problems
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This annotated bibliography includes references to written and audiovisual materials for legal ethics courses and curricular integration projects. It is a tool for identifying innovative materials not readily accessible that can enrich legal ethics instruction. It does not include scholarly publications, casebooks, and syllabi for standard courses. Part II describes written and audiovisual resources for teaching professional responsibility available through a wide variety of sources. Books and videotapes are listed under the author or organization that published them. Unpublished materials are listed under the institutions from which they are currently available. Part III describes materials for teaching professional responsibility courses and for integrating ethical issues into particular substantive courses. These materials are listed under the schools or institutions at which they were developed, or, if the authors have moved to different institutions, at the school where they currently teach. Part IV categorizes the preceding materials by law school subject matter.
Teaching Methods