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Arlington Lawyer Referral

Submitted by Misha Cohen on Sat, 03-01-2014
Long title
How to get a lawyer when you need one
Website or Blog Author(s)/ Editor(s)
Arlington County Bar Association
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Public Service:
The Arlington County Bar Association believes everyone who needs a lawyer is entitled to one. To implement this goal, the Arlington County Bar Association established, in 1969, the Lawyer Referral Service. LRS, a public service, recommends qualified attorneys who specialize in the fields of law in which applicants needs help.
The Referral Service:
LRS gives out referral's everyday to prospective clients who are looking for legal counsel in Arlington, VA. If applicants are a member of the ACBA and are in our membership system and have signed up to be a part of the LRS, he/she could be receiving referrals from us. If applicant is not yet in our referral system he/she can get an application from the ACBA office today!
If applicant is looking for an attorney, LRS will help match applicant's case with an attorney that specializes in the field of law applicant is involved with.
Nominal Fee:
A nominal fee for an initial consultation with a lawyer is $50.00. Further legal services, if required, become a matter for discussion and agreement between applicant and applicant's attorney.
United States
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