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Arizona Student Practice Rule

Submitted by Kay Hill on Mon, 09-09-2013
Long Title
Arizona Rules of the Superior Court Rule 38(d)
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Arizona Supreme Court
Type of entity
Entity Contact
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?

5. Practical Training of Law Students
A. Law Student Eligibility for Limited Practice Certification. To be eligible to become a certified limited practice student, a law student applicant must:
i. have successfully completed legal studies amounting to at least three semesters, or the equivalent academic hour credits if the school or the student is on some basis other than a semester, at an accredited law school, or have graduated from an accredited law school, subject to the time limitations set forth in these rules;
ii. neither ask for nor receive any compensation or remuneration of any kind for services rendered by the certified limited practice student from the person on whose behalf the services are rendered, but this shall not prevent a supervising lawyer, legal aid bureau, law school, public defender agency, or the state from paying compensation to the eligible law student, nor shall it prevent any such lawyer or agency from making such charges for its services as it may otherwise properly require;
iii. certify in writing that the student has read and is familiar with the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct and the rules of the Supreme Court of Arizona and statutes of the State of Arizona relating to the conduct of attorneys; and
iv. be certified by the dean of the accredited law school where the student is enrolled (or was enrolled on graduation), or by the dean's designee, as being in good academic standing, of good character, and as having either successfully completed or being currently enrolled in and attending, academic courses in civil procedure, criminal law, evidence, and professional responsibility.

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Lawyer Regulation