Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Teaching Modules on Integrity and Ethics

Teaching material type
Assessment/ grading material
Class exercise
Course description
Reading assignment
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Education for Justice initiative

Building a culture of lawfulness starts with strengthening our ethical values and the ability to act upon them. To that end, the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative developed a series of Integrity and Ethics Modules, which lecturers can use as a basis for teaching in universities and academic institutions across the world. The Modules seek to enhance students' ethical awareness and commitment to acting with integrity and equip them with the necessary skills to apply and spread these norms in life, work and society. To increase their effectiveness, the Modules connect theory to practice, encourage critical thinking, and use innovative interactive teaching approaches such as experiential learning and group-based work. The Modules are multi-disciplinary and can be integrated as ethics components in non-ethics courses. By focusing on common universal values, the Modules leave room for diverse perspectives and lecturers can easily adapt them to different local and cultural contexts. Each Module is designed as a three-hour class but also provides guidelines on how to develop it into a full course. Additional pedagogical guidance is provided in the E4J Teaching Guide on Integrity and Ethics.

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