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Delaware Procedures for Discipline

Long Title
Delaware Lawyers' Rules of Disciplinary Procedure
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Supreme Court of Delaware
Type of entity
Entity Contact
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?
Lawyers generally
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel ("ODC") is an Arm of the Supreme Court of Delaware, which assists the Court in regulating the practice of law. In this capacity, the ODC is charged with evaluating, investigating, and, if warranted, prosecuting lawyer misconduct. All complaints regarding a Delaware lawyer's conduct should be directed to the ODC. (To obtain a Complaint form, click here). With respect to lawyers who have been disbarred or suspended, contact can be made with the Receiver appointed by the Court of Chancery. (For Receivers and Other Contacts for Closed Practices, please click here.pdf icon)
The primary purpose of the ODC is to protect the public from lawyer misconduct. Delaware lawyers are obligated to conform their conduct to rules established by the Supreme Court of Delaware, the Delaware Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct. Each complaint filed with the ODC is reviewed and evaluated to determine whether the lawyer has violated one or more of these Rules and whether the ODC has enough evidence to prosecute a disciplinary action against the lawyer. All complaints are confidential as mandated by the Delaware Lawyers' Rules of Disciplinary Procedure.
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Lawyer Regulation

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