Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

South Carolina Conduct Rules

Long Title
South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
South Carolina Supreme Court
Type of entity
Entity Contact and
United States
Jurisdiction within country
South Carolina
Who is subject to this regulation?
Lawyers generally

The pur­poses of the South Carolina Bar shall be to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Con­sti­tu­tion of the State of South Caro­li­na; to pro­tect, and maintain re­spect for, rep­re­sen­ta­tive gov­ern­ment; to con­tin­u­al­ly im­prove the ad­min­is­tra­tion of justice through­out the State; to re­quire the high­est stan­dards of eth­i­cal and pro­fes­sion­al con­duct, and up­hold the in­teg­ri­ty and hon­or of the legal pro­fes­sion; to ad­vance the sci­ence of ju­ris­pru­dence; to promote con­sis­tent high qual­i­ty of le­gal edu­ca­tion and legal ser­vic­es to the public; to apply the knowl­edge, ex­pe­ri­ence and ability of the le­gal profession to the pro­mo­tion of the pub­lic good; to encour­age good­will and re­spect for integ­ri­ty and ex­cel­lence in pub­lic ser­vice among the mem­bers of the legal pro­fession and the pub­lic; to per­form any addi­tion­al pur­pos­es and duties as may be as­signed to it by the Supreme Court of South Caro­li­na; to pro­mote and corre­late such pol­i­cies and ac­tiv­i­ties as fall within these pur­pos­es in the in­ter­est of the legal pro­fes­sion and the pub­lic.

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Lawyer Regulation

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