Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Nevada Conduct Rules

Long Title
Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Nevada Supreme Court
Type of entity
Entity Contact and
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?
Lawyers generally
Our Mission is to govern the legal profession, to serve our members, and to protect the public interest.
Our Goals are...
to govern the legal profession in the State of Nevada, subject to the approval of the Supreme Court;
to aid in the advance of the science of jurisprudence and in the improvement of the administration of justice;
to promote reform in the law and in judicial procedure;
to uphold and elevate the standard of honor, integrity, and courtesy in the legal profession;
to encourage higher and better education for membership in the profession;
to promote a spirit of cordiality and true friendship among members of the Bar; and
to manage the business of the State Bar in a prudent manner.
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Lawyer Regulation

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