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Kentucky Conduct Rules

Long Title
Kentucky Rules of Professional Conduct: Supreme Court Rule 3.130
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Kentucky Supreme Court
Type of entity
Entity Contact and
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?
Lawyers generally
The Kentucky Bar Association is an independent agency of the Supreme Court of Kentucky. Its authority to regulate the legal profession in Kentucky, delegated by the Kentucky Supreme Court through rules, is derived from the Kentucky Constitution.
The mission and purpose of the Association is to maintain a proper discipline of the members of the bar in accordance with these Rules and with the principles of the legal profession as a public calling, to initiate and supervise, with the approval of the Court, appropriate means to insure a continuing high standard of professional competence on the part of the members of the Bar, and to bear a substantial and continuing responsibility for promoting the efficiency and improvement of the judicial system. SCR 3.025
Section 116 of the Kentucky Constitution
"The Supreme Court shall have the power to prescribe rules governing its appellate jurisdiction, rules for the appointment of commissioners and other Court personnel, and rules of practice and procedure for the Court of Justice. The Supreme Court shall, by rule, govern admission to the Bar and the discipline of members of the Bar."
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Lawyer Regulation

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