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Pennsylvania Student Practice Rule

Long Title
Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners Rules 321 & 322.
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Type of entity
Entity Contact
United States
Jurisdiction within country
Who is subject to this regulation?
A certified legal intern, who has completed at least three semesters of law school, may with the approval of a supervising attorney:
(1) Appear before any government unit (other than the Supreme, Superior or Commonwealth Courts) in any civil or criminal matter on behalf of any indigent, if the person on whose behalf the legal intern is appearing consents to such appearance. The supervising attorney must be personally present throughout the proceedings where the legal intern is appearing on behalf of the defendant in a criminal matter where the defendant has the right to counsel under any provision of law.
(2) Appear in any civil or criminal matter on behalf of the Commonwealth, if the Attorney General (or the prosecuting attorney in the case of a criminal matter) or his or her authorized representative consents to such appearance.
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Teaching Methods
Lawyer Regulation

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