Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

New Mexico Student Practice Rule

Long Title
New Mexico Rules Annotated 1-094, 1-094.1
Published/Promulgated by
Name of entity
Supreme Court of New Mexico
Type of entity
Entity Contact
United States
Jurisdiction within country
New Mexico
Who is subject to this regulation?
An eligible law student, who has completed at least 30 hours of law school, may advise persons, negotiate and appear before the courts and administrative agencies of this state, in civil and criminal matters, under the active supervision of a member of the state bar of New Mexico who has been admitted to practice law for at least five (5) years. Such supervision shall include assignment of all matters, review and examination of all documents and signing of all pleadings prepared by the student. The supervising lawyer need not be present while a student is advising a client or negotiating, but shall be present during court appearances. Each student in the program may appear in a given court with the written approval of the judge presiding over the case
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Teaching Methods
Lawyer Regulation

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