Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

IBA Survey on Postgraduate Training

Long Title
IBA Training Survey Results Summany
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International Bar Association: Bar Issues Commission
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Professional Body
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The International Bar Association (IBA) was founded in 1947, and currently is comprised of over 200 Bar Associations and Law Societies from around the world as well as more than 20,000 individual lawyers. The Policy Committee of the IBA Bar Issues Commission (BIC), consisting of 20 members representing bar associations and law societies, set up its Training Working Group in 2006 because it was felt that training and education had become a focus of the IBA's Member Organisations. The Training Working Group decided after the Bar Leaders’ Meeting that an online questionnaire should be sent to the Member Organisations in order to produce a catalogue of the various systems used in the training of future lawyers including the training providers, the content of the training, the length and costs of the training, the roles of the bar associations in the training, the role of ethics in the training etc. Finally a questionnaire consisting of 16 questions was prepared mainly in multiple choice form of an online questionnaire which went online in January 2009. There were 48 responses received out of 39 jurisdictions. The final results were discussed at the IBA Annual Meeting in 2009 and were used in developing Guidelines for Training of Future Lawyers that were adopted by the IBA Council on November 3, 2011. A summary of the survey results is attached.
For a copy of the Guidelines for Training of Future Lawyers see: /iba-education-guidelines
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