Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Hope for Self-Regulation

Long title
IS There Hope for the Self-Regulation of the American Legal Profession?
Moliterno, James
Author(s)' contact information
Washington & Lee University, USA
Conference title
International Legal Ethics Conference VI
Conference location
City University London
United States
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My recent book, The American legal Profession in Crisis: Responses and Resistance to Change (Oxford 2013) examines the reaction of the American legal profession to self-diagnosed crisis. During eight sometimes-interconnected periods since the early 20th Century, the American legal profession has declared that it was in crisis. Its repeated response to crisis was to resist change and attempt to remain the same, against all odds and against the flow of surrounding changes in culture, economics, technology, and globalization. Of course, each time the American legal profession has lost in its effort to remain the same. In this paper and presentation, I will discuss what must change in the legal profession’s change-game if it is to survive in something resembling its present form.

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