Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Professional Identity and Faith

Long title
Lawyers of All Faiths: Constructing Professional Identity and Finding Common Ground
Gunning, Isabelle R.
Author(s)' contact information
Southwestern Law School, USA
Conference title
International Legal Ethics Conference VI
Conference location
City University London
United States
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The Religious Lawyering Movement has established an important framework by which scholars and lawyers of faith can argue the value that religion or spiritual beliefs can play in the profession. Still, the scholarship has not focused on the unifying themes that drive lawyers of different faiths. This paper delves into various religions to explore the commonalities that bind lawyers of faith regardless of their religious roots or spiritual belief systems. Further, through an empirical study, this paper offers some preliminary observations that govern the actions of lawyers of faith again no matter their spiritual roots. Findings demonstrate that lawyers of all faiths are motivated to be ethical and responsible professionals.
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