Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Importance of Ethics in Education

Long title
A Review of the Importance of Ethics in Legal Education
Gauer, Danielle T.
Author(s)' contact information
Koskie Minsky LLP, Canada
Conference title
International Legal Ethics Conference VI
Conference location
City University London
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As a recent law school graduate and now Articling Associate at a prestigious law firm in Toronto, Canada, I am realizing more and more the importance of not only acknowledging the rules that govern lawyers in their dealings with clients, the court and each other, but also the necessity of legal ethics in legal education. As a new requirement to be called to the Ontario Bar in Canada, and similarly in other provinces, candidates now able to undertake an alternative form of training, for example through a responsibility course which would consist of understanding legal ethics. The particular areas include civility, the fiduciary nature of the lawyer’s relationship with the client, conflicts of interest, confidentiality and disclosure, professionalism and the public interest in serving the administration of justice. This paper would discuss the importance of incorporating legal ethics in legal education before entering into the practice of law. In particular, I will address the difficulties lawyers face in acting ethically in their professional and personal daily interactions and the possible avenues that should be considered when faced with such dilemmas. I will provide insight through my own experiences in law school and my initiation into the legal profession.
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