Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Revolution in Canadian Legal Education

Long title
The Impending Revolution in Legal Education in Canada: Implications for Legal Ethics
Cotter, Brent
Author(s)' contact information
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Conference title
International Legal Ethics Conference VI
Conference location
City University London
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The paper and presentation I am proposing for the Legal Ethics and Legal Education stream of ILEC is an examination of recent, pending and potential changes, of foundational significance to the existing model of legal education in Canada and its implications for legal ethics as taught and as practiced in Canada. Beginning in 2010 the Legal Profession in Canada asserted itself into the subject of Legal Education in a substantial and substantive way, with particular emphasis on the teaching and learning of Legal Ethics. More recently, the Law Society of Upper Canada has begun to endorse models of legal education leading to admission to the legal profession that could profoundly change the nature of legal education in Ontario and the rest of Canada. These changes are occurring rapidly, affecting the continuum of legal education in Canada and appear to be pursued without adequate or any implications for the ways in which legal ethics will be learned or lived by lawyers who may be part of this ‘new’ regime of education and training for the practice of law in Canada. The paper will examine these recent developments and will provide a critical analysis of the implications for the future of Legal Ethics in Canada.
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