Ethics as an integrator
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Ethics and an integrated curriculum
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Conference title
International Legal Ethics Conference VI
Conference location
City University London
United Kingdom
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This short paper is part of a Panel session responding to the recommendations of the UK's recent Legal Education and Training Review. This panel session will address recommendations 6 and 7 of the LETR which provide that legal education should include learning outcomes in respect of professional ethics and that the undergraduate stage should include reference (as appropriate to the individual practitioner’s role) to an understanding of the relationship between morality and law, the values underpinning the legal system, and the role of lawyers in relation to those values.
It will consider what we should do in order to help students develop as ethical adults, addressing our educational aims and methods and proposing a theoretical basis.
This pressentation will address the design of the undergraduate curriculum, arguing that professional ethics can have a useful integrative role across the curriculum and providing examples of successful implementation of this approach.
It will consider what we should do in order to help students develop as ethical adults, addressing our educational aims and methods and proposing a theoretical basis.
This pressentation will address the design of the undergraduate curriculum, arguing that professional ethics can have a useful integrative role across the curriculum and providing examples of successful implementation of this approach.
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